Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Paragraph 1:
Thesis statement: Through analysis, it is evident that the two poems ‘Hawk Roosting’ and ‘Golden Retrievals’ contrast with aid through imagery.
· Hawk Roosting
o No falsifying dream/ Reherse perfect kills and eat
§ No time for play, or happy things, only for things
o High trees/ Sun’s ray
o Tearing off heads
o Bones of the living
· Golden Retrievals
o Balls and sticks/ Bunny, tumbling leaf, squirrel/ Muck, pond, ditch, residue, dead thing
§ All elements of play
§ Such simple entities bring joy to the dog, but not to the human
o Fog
§ Shows the difference between humans and animals
§ Animals are much more simple and straightforward...
Paragraph 2: symbolism
Thesis statement
· Hawk Roosting
o The sun
§ ‘The sun is behind me now’
§ The sun is a warming entity in which provides a light... it can symbolise play, happiness and more.
§ When the Hawk describes the sun as behind it, it explains that he has no use for play.
· Golden Retrievals:
Paragraph 3: Tone
· Hawk Roosting
o Negative
o Through words such as: perfect kills and eat, tearing off heads, death, bones,
· Golden Retrievals:
o Positive
o Simple entities can make any dog happy
o The dog sees the happy in the world, people are unable to see.

1 comment:

  1. Before Thursday's class, rethink this thesis statement. You are being asked to discuss how the two speakers are characterized through the use of poetic devices.
